Sacred [Cyber] Space

The internet is a fascinating thing. It’s incredible in and of itself, but incorporating magick makes it even more awe inspiring. You can cast spell online, you can perform rituals online, and you can create a sacred space online. I would like to do the latter, but I can’t do it on my own! I think of my blog as a sacred cyberspace but it’s a place where I share my story, where I share my wisdom, where I seek to educate- enlighten if you will. But I want to know what you’re thinking. I want you to have a place to “go” to respond to my blogs or share your thoughts on the topic I’ve written about. I want you to be able to voice your story, your questions. And most of all I want that place to be sacred- which means there is no fear of judgement or rejection. There’s no degradation or even snide remarks.

I’m a Witch, so when I want to do something, and that something is feasible and for the good of others and will not cause extensive harm, then I find a way to do it! And I have!

Beloved readers, I invite you to join Magical Musings Facebook Group!

It’s a closed group and you must answer some questions before you’re admitted. I will review every post to ensure that no one is going to ever be made to feel uncomfortable and have a zero tolerance cyber bullying policy. This group is for my readers, and anyone else with a passion for witchcraft.

Witchy education

I decided to opt for a social learning platform for the group. That means I can have educational units- this is where I can post resources and notes expanding upon topics I’ve covered in my blog. These are optional! Magical Musings School of Witchcraft (MMSW) is in the works as well, so the units aren’t going to go into great detail. MMSW will offer free classes, then I’ll have tiers where you can get a more thorough education as well as interaction with me for an affordable price. The units will expand on things I could only touch upon as well as provide links to websites and books about the topic so you could learn more on your own if you so choose.

Who is this group for?

As of right now, the group is like any other online group. But what will make it special is having people join. The energy of people from all over the world, people of any race any gender any social or economic class that all have two things in common: a passion for Witch things and the desire to learn more from our peers. Learning and connecting are two major aspects of witchcraft and when you add love to the mix you get sacredness, IMO. This Love is Love for life, love for witchcraft, love for people we have never met but know we can go online and have someone to vent to. Will you help me make this a reality?

Photo by Dennis Magati on



Magical Musings School of Witchcraft will be for the same people as the Facebook group, but the commonalities will include the desire for a mentor. I doubt I’d be able to help anyone in person (unless you happen to live close), but I will offer 2 tiers where I will offer in depth classes with quizzes (to make sure you’re learning the material) and assignments (to help you apply the material IRL- this is how wisdom is attained.) Wisdom is the ability to think and act based on knowledge, experience, common sense and insight. Last but not least, being a group member means you’ll get a discount for the MMSW premium tier! I will create a blog post announcing when MMSW is open πŸ™‚

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2 responses to “Sacred [Cyber] Space”

  1. Thank you!


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