Magical Gratitude 28-day Challenge: Day 4

Welcome back my lovely readers! 

My Magic Rock

Yesterday we reaffirmed our gratitude for our three closest relationships by taking their photos out periodically and saying “Thank you _____, for _____”. We have been starting each day by adding 10 more items to our thank you list and reading them aloud, saying “thank you” three times before moving on to the next item. Before bed, we take our gratitude rock into our hand and reflect back on the day. When the best thing is clear in your mind, you say “thank you, thank you, thank you”. We are beginning, ending and spending time throughout each day being grateful.

Day Four

Today, day four, we are focusing on something that is of the utmost importance, but ironically is the #1 thing we take for granted: our health.
Take a moment to think about your eyes, your nose, your sense of taste – how would life be for you if you were to lose any one of these senses? What about your hearing? The sense of touch?
Think abut your legs, and how they help you get to where you’re going, how they support your weight day in and day out.
Starting with your toes, focus on each body part in turn and think about why you are grateful for it, then say thank you toes/feet/legs/hips etc.

Now get a sticky note, index card, or scrap piece of paper even and write in bold letters:

The gift of health is keeping me alive.

Put the card somewhere where you will see it often. On at least 4 occasions, read each word carefully,  slowly, and feel as grateful as possible for the gift of health. Byrne explains that being grateful for your health is not only essential to keeping it, but it guarantees that it will continue to get better, with increasing energy and zest for life.

If gratitude were used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments, we would see a health revolution, and recovery rates and miracles like we’ve never seen before.

The Magic, p. 57

The greatest wealth is health.

Virgil (Roman poet), p, 51
Gratitude is a vaccine an antitoxin and an antiseptic.
John Henry Jowett  (Presbyterian preacher & writer), p.53

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