Get to Know a Goddess: Part 2

November 16th: Dharani

Dharani is the second goddess of the Get to Know a Goddess. According to Indian mythology, Dharani is the “wealth-providing, luck-bringing, abundant aspect of Lakshimi.


  • Luck
  • Abundance
  • Wealth
  • Beginnings


  • Baskets (filled)
  • Basil (sacred plan
  • Rice
  • Seedlings

Celebrating Dharani

Artist renderings of this goddess depict Dharani with an overflowing basket of rice or seedlings. She freely offers prosperity to those who are struggling. To attract Dharani’s blessings, wash your floors, walls, car, shoes, pets, and/or clothing with basil water. This rids you of any lingering bad luck. Basil is Dharani’s sacred herb, and “it banishes any energy of which the goddess doesn’t approve!”

Carve symbols you associate with good luck into candles and light them, sending away the shadows in your life. As the candle melts the emblem the magic of Dharani is released. It’s recommended that you anoint the candle with basil oil.

You can bestow blessings of Dharani upon others by filling a basket with rice cakes and offering them to visitors and coworkers- whomever crosses your path. By sharing the wealth you’re allowing the goddess “to bring her prosperity to many more lives”.

Symbols of Good Luck

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